The people of Mindanao, Philippine’s second biggest island, has always been complaining that whilst they contribute 34% of national revenue, they only get 18% of infrastructure and expenditure budget and,  Luzon Island, where “Imperial Manila” sits, gets the lion’s share of national revenue and opportunities.   

This was somehow corrected when, for the first time in history, a Mindanaoan, a “Dirty Harry” mayor from Davao (southern Mindanao) became Philippine president by a surprising landsline in 2016. As a result, big investments poured particularly in 3 major cities in Mindanao—Davao, Cagayan de Oro and General Santos City (the home of boxing legend turned senator Manny Pacquiao) and major infrastructure projects mushroomed in the otherwise laid-back big island.

This former Davao mayor turned Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte, known for his biased for China and verbal hatred for USA—I don’t know why?—has launced the “Build, Build, Build Program” during his watch and indeed big infrastructure projects—airports, seaports, bridges, roads and toolways were remarkably built/started, not just by Chinese funding but largely also by Japanese and Korean funders.

However, a controversial bridge project, the 24-Billion peso, 3.98-kilometer long, Chinese-funded  Samal-Davao City Connector Bridge, has been approved for implementation.  This will connect the garden island of Samal and Philippine’s largest city, in size, Davao. It has been rumored that this bridge is China’s gift to President Duterte for being pro-China. I could believe that rumor.

Samal Island is a major tourist destination with immaculate beaches, phenomenal snorkeling sites, a world-class pearl farm and great local restaurants.  But its greatest handicap is its transport inaccessibility from Davao, where an international airport is located. Presently, it takes 55 minutes by boat from Davao to reach Samal. That is a major touristic objection. Hence, the building of a connector bridge connecting Samal and Davao is very strategic. Environmental activists who oppose this project—I don’t know why?—be better be silent forever.

It will hasten the flow of tourist from Davao to Samal Island and vice versa and, provide easy access for Samal residents to go to Davao for work, business and trade as it will only take 5 minutes (no longer 55 minutes)  to travel between the commercial city of Davao and paradise island of Samal.

The construction for the foundation of this bridge has been going on at present, it is targeted to be completed around 2027 or 2028.  This date is quite suspicious as it may be timed for the  inauguration of another potential Philippine president from Davao—a lady and daughter of a previous president. Guess who?

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