Porsche defines a new shade of Green


Us Porsche 911 fan-boys are a fickle bunch. Cast your mind back two and a half decades (I can) when Porsche introduced the new generation of 911 with water cooled engines replacing the venerable air-cooled versions. 

Die-hard fans declared this to be some form of heresy and there was much muttering and wailing about the end of the legend.

It took most of us at least 25 years to come to terms with what had been an inevitability with the adoption of standard, and already proven, technology that could accommodate the new stricter emissions controls being enforced on the public by the plutocrats that think they run our lives.

This week Porsche have announced a fresh afront to aficionados like myself as they launch their first 911’s with electric power. But wait, before you start gnashing your teeth and wailing about the demise of civil society, take a breath and read on as there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The battery is a small one, the smallest they could put in designed merely for a small assist to get you moving from standstill and in some cases provide a small amount of extra umph when needed. 

Porsche announced that they will indeed continue to make petrol powered 911’s for as long as they can and with that, I can rest easy in my bed tonight.

As I have expounded time and time again if you think that EVs are a viable way to stop global warming then you have swallowed the deep-state BS hook-line-and-sinker.

They are a scam, Porsche are at the forefront of new technology to create a lower carbon future. They have taken a slightly different approach though.

The Company has already started to produce synthetic fuels using renewable and thus carbon-neutral technology at their test site in Chile. 

EVs may be a way for the future but they are not particularly eco-friendly. But worse than that, to me comparing a V8 or V10 or flat 6ix to an EV is a bit like comparing a grill to a microwave, it may cook faster but no one wants a microwaved steak!

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