It’s Official: EVs are a SCAM!

Obviously there is a lot of propaganda out there about EVs, judging by the comments and furore I have experienced since my last article on the scam of EVs and the fallacy that they will save the planet. 

Yes, I call it propaganda because that is clearly what it is. The same lies being consistently repeated by people pushing their own agendas whilst trying to make headlines and increase their viewers by scaring the sheeple to believe that the world is about to end unless they do something now, regardless of how unpalatable it is. And thus the sheeple, who are not fully invested in the idea, start to believe it; is this not gas lighting, is this not propaganda?

Climate change is coming and only the banning of gas-powered cars will stop it! You must be standing in traffic with your eyes closed to not believe this! Right? Poppycock!

It is highly deniable that there is much of a link between car emissions and increases in C02 and even if this is a bad thing, as I argued before, we simply do not know what the impact is. We cannot clearly determine where the C02 is coming from, all we have are models created by academics who in turn have their own agenda.

We cannot measure the warming of the oceans and the temperature records we have for the land are terribly flawed. Nearly all the temperature sites were outside urban areas that have since expanded to surround them. There has been a correction for the increase in temperature due to this but the correction is actually greater than the difference we are trying to measure. This is NOT data this is GUESS work.

There is something weird though about the propaganda, who stands to gain from it? I am not sure, but it is all wrapped up in the guise of compassion; saving the poor in the future. To do this, we must sacrifice a few million of them now but heck the end result always justifies the means, right?

Trouble is this has been done before by the likes of Pol Pot and Mao and Stalin and Hitler and probably countless others. Wiping out a few million livelihoods is a small price to save future millions even when the world is heading into a period of depopulation caused by disastrously low birthrates.

If you think that EVs are the thing that will save the planet though, I despair, please do not vote in elections that impact my future. EVs are a SCAM of the highest order and probably designed to change the World Order. 

They are a marketing campaign, window dressing, that will influence the gullible and induce a warm-fuzzy feeling in them as the queue for hours to recharge their car at a power point with electricity generated largely by fossil fuel.

If you think that mining lithium in South America, Cobalt in the Congo, Nickel in Indonesia or Australia and then sending all of that to the Peoples Republic where they turn them into batteries to be shipped to Europe to be put in cars that are then shipped to Australia or wherever will save the world,  then you are probably the same person that thinks putting soy-milk into your latte in Singapore made with coffee beans grown in South America is also going to save the world.

HOW DARE YOU SERVE ME DECAF COLD COFFEE .... - AI Generated Artwork -  NightCafe Creator

How dare you serve me Decaf!

We need to start questioning the source of what we are hearing, we need to question their agenda and we need to start listening to people that do know at what end of their car the engine is. But if you agree with the banning of fossil fuel cars as the only way we can save the planet then I think you are an idiot, just saying.

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