Next Gen BMW M3 Will Still Feature the Beloved Straight Six

The M3 with a Straight Six, not ready to drive into the sunset yet.

Enthusiasts of the BMW M3 have been worried that the brands head-long rush to electrify would signal the end of the ICE powered M3. But the good news is that is not gonna happen anytime soon.

Frank van Meel, the Boss of the BMW M brand, told the Bimmer Today Blog that the company will continue to produce and sell the twin-turbo 3 litre inline-six engine for as long as there is demand. 

Hallelujah common sense prevails methinks.

If you have never experienced the silky smoothness coupled with raw power that the inline-six produces then you should go out and book a test drive today. It is truly a work of genius and worthy of a place in anyone’s top ten engine designs.

There have been persistent rumours of an EV M3 and I am sure that particular act of heresy will happen, to be built on the BMW Neue Klasse platform. Expectations are of a four-motor configuration that can deliver north of 1300 horsepower. 

This would make it faster than the ICE equivalent. However, even with such mad performance figures, I am absolutely convinced that most will still opt to pump gas rather than drive a refrigerator.

The next gen BMW M3 is still at least two years from reaching the showroom, BMW have to launch the Neue Klasse first and that is only slated for next year.

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